India has always been a dream for me, since I was little, but when the first yapers came to Italy…
The North India YAP tour begins in Kolkata. These 11 young ambassadors landed in Kolkatta on 29th July. Their 1st…
Picture from YAP-TOUR India South 2018
11 YAPs from across Europe on the South India Tour landed in Bangalore. On day 1 they were taken for a…
Pre-register now for YAP @ Programm 2019 YAP (Young Ambassador Program) is the most fantastic opportunity the 41 International family…
Mein Name ist Hannes Kiso. Ich bin 23 Jahre alt und studiere in Oldenburg Politik-Wirtschaft und Germanistik auf Lehramt. Vor…
21 Tage, etwa 2400 im Land zurückgelegte Kilometer, neun Städte, sieben Gastfamilien und zwei Hotelaufenthalte für neun Jugendliche aus fünf…
‘Adios’ YAP Friends…..The South India Tour ends! These young ambassadors gave a great account of themselves as representatives of…
YAPs arrived in Bangalore India “Tour INDIA SOUTH 16. July to 6. August 2017“
Tour INDIA NORTH 30. July to 20. August 2017 date from date to Hosting Countries India 30.07.2017 20.08.2017 Invited Countries Europe…