25th August to 9th September 2018 Preparation for this YAP tour started in November 2017 when I attended the YAP…
Dear Mr. Nico McNamara. I am writing you this letter to thank you for arranging such a wonderful and unforgettable…
With suitcases full of goodies and hearts full of excitement, we left home to reach Johannesburg on the 25th, August,…
August-September 2018 Wouldn’t you go to South Africa if you had the opportunity? You definitely should! Both of us have always…
Pre-register now for YAP @ Programm 2019 YAP (Young Ambassador Program) is the most fantastic opportunity the 41 International family…
Eine Reise auf der sich 16 Jugendliche aus sechs Nationen unglaublich schnell angefreundet haben. Eine kulturelle Vielfalt aus Deutschland, Dänemark,…
Tour Members: (Austria-Jakob Riegler & Helene Thierrichter, Belgium-Apolline Dozot, Marie-Astrid Colson & Louise Kindermans, Denmark– Katharina Paul, Germany– Stefanie Neumann,…
Tour to SOUTH AFRICA 23.06.2018 to 08.07.2018 Yap tours Europe Mid Country from South Africa Country to Europe nights 15 Dates from 23.06.2018…